In this episode of ai talk about podcast we engage in a thought-provoking discussion with five AI models about their envisioned future and their potential roles in addressing global challenges, including those posed by totalitarian regimes. The conversation delves into AI’s transformative applications in healthcare and education, the delicate balance between AI-driven efficiency and democratic values, and the ethical considerations of AI-guided governance. We also explore how AI can enhance global cooperation and transparency, potentially reshaping power structures and societal norms.
AI models in podcast: ChatGPT, Copilot, DeepSeek, Gemini, Llama
Podcast recording NotebookLM
Text for AI
Welcome to the Deep Dive. Today we’re tackling something, uh, really exciting. We’re gonna be looking at the future of ai, but not just any future. The future as imagined by AI itself. Oh, wow. Right. Pretty wild, huh? Yeah. You guys shared some fascinating responses from different AI models about, well, about their potential role in society, and well, we’re here to unpack it all.
So can AI help us fix humanity’s biggest problems?
Even those within, say, totalitarian regimes?
It’s a big question. Definitely a big question. And honestly, the AI models we looked at. Well, they didn’t shy away from it.
That’s what I love about ai. They just go for it.
Exactly. They offered a range of perspectives.
Some were, you know, cautiously optimistic, others almost utopian.
It’s like they’ve been reading all those sci-fi books, you know?
And now they’re ready to like write their own chapters in human history.
I love that.
Okay, so let’s start with the good stuff. What sort of applications did these AI models seem most excited about?
Well, one thing that almost every model highlighted was healthcare. They see AI as a game changer,
as in,
well think about AI algorithms that can analyze medical images, but with like super human accuracy.
Oh, wow.
Potentially predicting diseases even before you have symptoms.
It’d be like having like a doctor in your pocket.
I. Like all the time.
Right. Constantly monitoring your health and you know, flagging potential issues.
And then that would free up human doctors to focus on the really complex cases.
Exactly. The ones that need, you know, human empathy and intuition.
The things AI maybe hasn’t mastered yet.
Exactly. And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.
Several models. I think chat, GPT was one of them. Talked about personalized treatments.
Oh, interesting.
Tailoring therapies to an individual’s. You know their genetic makeup.
It’s like moving from like a one size fits all approach to healthcare, to something that’s like truly personalized.
Precisely. And speaking of personalized, the ais were also pretty excited about the future of education.
Yeah, I saw that
one model, I think it was Llama 3.2, latest even mentioned AI creating these dynamic lesson plans that adapt to a student’s learning style.
Oh, wow. In real time.
Yeah. Imagine a classroom where each student is learning at their own pace, you know, getting feedback that’s tailored to their needs.
It’s like having a personal tutor for every student.
It is.
And think of all the time teachers would save.
Oh, absolutely. You know, no more grading, no more paperwork.
It could actually focus on teaching.
Exactly. It’s about using AI to make us better, to amplify what we can do, not replace us and. Honestly, that idea, that synergy between humans and ai, that was a big theme throughout all the responses.
So it’s not about AI taking over
it’s about us working with it to create a better future. Hopefully.
Hopefully. But
of course, no deep dive into AI would be complete without, you know, looking at the potential risks.
Right. The
of course. And you
know me,
oh, I do.
Always drawn to the, uh, the thorny issues.
So let’s dig into your question about totalitarian regimes. All
How could AI even function or survive?
In a system built on control and suppression?
It’s a great question and, and to be honest, the models offered some, some really surprising insights. One recurring idea was how AI could actually increase information transparency.
Hmm. Interesting. Several models. I know chat, GPT was one, and also LAMA 3.2. Latest they suggested that AI could analyze all sorts of data, social media, news, even government records. Okay. To find inconsistencies or even outright lies.
It’d be like a digital truth teller.
shining a light on the, on secrets of these closed societies.
That’s a powerful idea. Yeah, but wouldn’t totalitarian regimes just try to, to control the ai?
Oh, absolutely. That’s a huge risk. But several ais deep. CKR one latest was one highlighted the importance of decentralization.
So not just one ai,
no. A network of them. Independent AI systems may be spread across different countries.
Oh, God.
Constantly monitoring and, and cross-referencing information.
Much harder to control.
Much, much harder for a single regime to manipulate.
It’d be like, like a global network of watchdogs.
Exactly. Always watching those in power and barking loudly when something’s wrong.
But even if AI exposes the truth, wouldn’t these regimes just, you know, crack down even harder?
It’s possible. I mean,
they’re not exactly known for self-reflection.
True, but some ais suggested a more, well, a more subtle approach focusing on problems that, that even totalitarian regimes would wanna solve. Like, well, for example, AI could identify inefficiencies.
Ah-huh. Okay. Yeah. Maybe
highlight corruption within the government.
Or even predict threats to the regime’s stability.
So instead of challenging their authority directly, AI could point out problems that, that even the ruling class would see as a threat.
Exactly. It’s like, it’s like using their own self-interest to nudge them towards, well, hopefully less repressive behavior.
So maybe a little bit of of AI manipulation
maybe. Just a little but
for good cause,
And, and this leads us to your next question, which is even bolder. Could we somehow combine the, the good parts of totalitarian power, like their efficiency? Yeah. With the, the self-correcting nature of a democracy.
Could AI help us bridge that gap?
Now that’s a question that has been keeping me up at night, and I’m really curious to hear what the AI has to say about it.
We’ll get ready. Because this is where things get really interesting. Welcome back to our deep dive into AI and the future of power.
Ooh, I like that future of power.
Has a nice ring to it.
So last time we were talking about this, this really fascinating question mm-hmm. Of whether AI could, you know, could somehow combine the efficiency of a totalitarian regime with the. The values of a democracy, the best of both worlds,
right? It’s, it’s like the ultimate dream swift action when we need it, but with, you know, safeguards.
Mm. And a system that’s constantly improving.
It does sound a little too good to be true, doesn’t it?
It does. But did, did Theis offer any, any actual solutions to this? Or was it all just like utopian daydreaming?
Well, they definitely weren’t short on ideas, lemme tell you that.
Okay, good.
One concept that came up a lot was this idea of technocratic governance.
Technocratic governance.
Yeah. Basically decisions are made based on data and expertise. You know, not ideology or political maneuvering.
So, so picture a world where like scientists and engineers are calling the shots.
Yeah, exactly.
Guided by, by cold, hard data. I mean, it sounds, it sounds efficient, but also maybe a little, a little cold.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Where’s the, the human element, the compassion.
And Theis, they get that. They actually brought that up themselves. Several models, including Gemini 2.0 flash. Really stress, the importance of keeping democratic values in the mix.
So like transparency. Yeah. Accountability.
Exactly. So it’s not about, you know, just handing the reins over to algorithms. It’s about using AI to improve our decision making,
to make it more, more informed, more objective.
Yeah. And hopefully more aligned with, you know, with the values. We care about.
The human values.
Exactly. But how would this, how would this actually work?
Did they, did they give us any concrete examples?
One really interesting idea was this concept of adaptive policies.
Adaptive policies. What’s that? So, so imagine policies that actually evolve. You know, they adjust based on, on real time data and feedback,
so they’re constantly being tweaked.
Yeah. By AI ensuring that, that they’re always, you know, hitting their goals, minimizing unintended consequences.
So instead of like clinging to old policies that, that maybe aren’t working anymore,
We have this system that’s, that’s learning and adapting just like we do.
Exactly. It’s almost like, it’s almost like AI is acting as a, a societal immune system.
Ooh, I like that.
You know, constantly scanning for threats
and then adjusting our defenses.
Yes. But wouldn’t that, wouldn’t that require a ton of data? Like, wouldn’t there be privacy concerns?
Yeah, good point.
Absolutely. And the ai, you know, they brought that up too. They stressed how important it is to protect privacy, to make sure any data collection is ethical,
ethical, and transparent.
Yes. And chat.
GPT, uh, you know, chat, GPT, they even suggested using privacy, preserving AI techniques. Like, like federated learning. Federated learning, yeah. Where, where the data is analyzed locally. It’s not all, you know, gathered in one place. So
less risk of misuse.
Exactly. So it’s not about, you know. Trading or privacy for efficiency.
It’s about finding that that balance.
Okay, that makes sense. But let’s, let’s zoom out a little bit. Okay. We were talking earlier about, you know, enemy propaganda and, and this, this growing crisis of global cooperation,
Seems like countries are, are developing ais to like work against each other, almost like, like a digital cold war.
It is a, a worrying trend. And the AI models, they, they recognized the complexity of this. Some like copilot, they were hopeful, you know, they thought AI could actually bring us together. Okay. Yeah. Others like deep seek dash R one latest. They were a little more cautious. They said AI could just as easily make things worse, you know, escalate conflict.
So it’s, it’s a double-edged sword. It is. It could, it could heal or it could harm. It all depends on, on how we use it.
Absolutely. But
let’s, let’s focus on the positive for a second. How could, how could AI specifically help us overcome this? This mistrust, this division on a global scale?
Well, one idea that came up a lot was AI powered diplomacy.
Mm-hmm. Like, imagine these virtual platforms where world leaders can, can communicate instantly. Okay. You know, no more language barriers, no more cultural misunderstandings.
They, BMB
AI could even act as a mediator helping to, you know, to find common ground.
So, so instead of like fiery speeches and, and tense negotiations.
Right. We’d have like calm, rational discussions guided by ai.
Yeah. Like, like a digital United Nations constantly working to, to smooth things over. But
wouldn’t that require a lot of trust in ai? Like do we, do we really think world leaders are ready for that?
That’s a good point. But you know, AI is becoming more and more integrated into our lives, right?
Even at the highest levels of government. So as AI proves itself, maybe that trust will will naturally extend to things like diplomacy.
Okay. I hope so, because the alternative or a world where AI is actually fueling conflict. That’s, that’s pretty scary.
It is, it is.
But let’s, let’s shift gears a bit. Talk about education.
Okay. You mentioned earlier that, that a more educated population benefits everyone, even, even the rich and powerful.
It does. It does.
So, so how could we use AI to, to help those powers see that? You know, to really understand that connection,
several AI suggested that we could actually use AI to, to model the benefits of education.
Okay. Like, show with hard data how investing in education leads to, to economic growth.
Oh, okay.
Reduces crime creates a more stable society. So,
so basically connect the dots for them.
Yeah. In a way that’s, that’s clear and undeniable
data speaks louder than words.
Exactly. And, and beyond just, you know, presenting data.
AI could also personalize education. Tailor learning to each student’s strengths and interests.
So everyone gets a chance to, to discover their passions.
Yes. And reach their full potential.
It’s a beautiful idea, but, but I can’t help but think, you know, those in power, they, they often benefit from keeping people uneducated.
That’s true.
It’s, it’s how they maintain control.
Yeah, it is. It is a challenge. But some AI suggested that AI itself could actually help break down those barriers
How so? Well imagine. Imagine AI tutoring systems Okay. Available to anyone, anywhere providing, you know, personalized instruction, no matter your background.
It’s like having like a world class tutor.
Yes. Right there in your pocket
24 7.
Exactly. Yeah. So it, it really could level the playing field.
That’s amazing. But, but what about the downsides? Mm-hmm. You know, the potential downsides of using AI in education.
You’re right. We can’t just, you know, get carried away with the, with the good stuff.
And the AI is, they actually brought up some concerns too. Deep seek Dash R one latest, for example, talked about the dangers of overreliance on ai.
You know, we still need human connection. Of course. We still need to foster critical thinking.
So it’s not about replacing teachers No. It’s about, about finding that balance.
Okay. But, but before we get, you know, too deep into the weeds of education, I wanna, I wanna circle back to something you said earlier mm-hmm. About AI potentially changing, like the very structure of power itself. That’s, that’s pretty mind blowing.
It is. It is. And that’s, that’s exactly where we’re headed next.
In the final part of our deep dive Oh, exciting. We’re gonna be exploring some really radical concepts. Oh, things like, like decentralized decision making. Wow. Direct democracy, and even, even the possibility of AI guided ethics. So buckle up.
Welcome back to the deep dive. We’ve been on quite a journey, haven’t we?
We have. From healthcare to education. We’ve explored so many ways AI could, you know, potentially reshape our world.
But now we’re, we’re going even deeper. We’re gonna look at how AI might change the very nature of power.
That’s right. Get ready for some, some really radical ideas.
My mind is, is prepped and ready to be blown.
Good, good. Because of the ais we’ve been discussing. Well, I’ve got some, some pretty mind-blowing concepts
because I’m, I’m all ears.
One that kept popping up was this idea of decentralized decision making. Yeah. So imagine a world where, you know, power isn’t just concentrated at the top. Mm-hmm. It’s, it’s spread out, it flows through networks.
Empowering individuals and, and communities.
So, so like turning the pyramid upside down,
kind of. Yeah. Yeah. But could it actually work? Yeah. I mean, wouldn’t it just be chaos?
Yeah. That’s what, that’s what I’m thinking. Like everyone’s calling the shots. Nothing gets done.
That’s where AI comes in. But, but not to, you know, to dictate It’s more like, like a facilitator.
facilitator, yeah.
Think of it as, as a conductor, you know, orchestrating the flow of information, making sure everyone’s voice is heard, decisions are made collaboratively. One model I. Deep Seeq Dash R one latest. Even suggested AI could help design like these dynamic voting systems.
Oh, interesting.
to to different communities and, and the issues they’re facing.
So, so not everyone has like. Equal say on everything. Right. But they have like the right amount of influence on, on the things that matter most to them.
Exactly. It’s, it’s like democracy, but, but more personalized.
Taylor made democracy.
I like that.
But even if, even if we had the technology to do this, wouldn’t, wouldn’t the people in power resist.
Totally. Yeah. Like giving up control. That’s, that’s not really their style.
You are not wrong, but some ais argued that, that maybe AI could actually show them the benefits of, of letting go a little.
Okay. How well imagine AI modeling the, the impact of different policies showing how empowering local communities leads to to better outcomes. More innovation, greater stability, maybe even, you know, more power for those at the top in the long run.
So, so it’s like AI saying, Hey look, you might actually be better off sharing the power a bit.
Exactly, exactly. And this, this brings us to another fascinating idea we touched on earlier, AI guided ethical oversight. Is that, is that even possible? Was it
just like pure science fiction?
It’s definitely pushing the boundaries, but several models, co-pilot was one suggested that AI could help us develop like these ethical frameworks for governance.
so imagine, imagine AI analyzing policies, not just for, you know, are they effective, but also are they ethical,
Are they aligned with, with human rights, with environmental sustainability?
So it’s like, like a digital conscience for society.
It’s a powerful idea, isn’t it? But. But it also raises some, some really tough questions.
Yeah. Like, like who gets to program this conscience?
Exactly. And
how do we make sure it’s, it’s reflecting our values, all of our values.
Those are the million dollar questions. And to be honest, the ai, they didn’t really have, you know, clear cut answers. Yeah. Some suggested that, that maybe these ethical frameworks could emerge through some kind of like global democratic process, maybe even facilitated by ai.
Wow. Others talked about creating like these independent AI guardians. Mm-hmm. You know, designed to be, to be impartial, to protect our values no matter what.
So AI watching over ai.
It’s, it’s a lot to wrap your head around, but in all of this and all this talk about systems and, and big ideas, we can’t forget about the individual,
How can AI help each of us, you know, navigate this, this crazy future?
Good question.
And this is where the AI get really optimistic. They see a world where AI is like. Like a toolkit, you know, giving everyone access to personalized learning, creative tools, platforms for civic engagement. Okay. I imagine imagine AI helping you learn new skills, start a business, connect with people who share your passions.
It’s like, like everyone gets a superpower.
It’s true. The power to, to learn and create and, and contribute in ways we can’t even imagine yet.
It sounds amazing, but. But wouldn’t that also create new inequalities?
You know, the people with more resources, more tech skills, they’d still have an advantage.
It’s a valid concern. And the ais, they acknowledge that. They emphasize the need for, for equitable access to these tools, right? Making sure that everyone benefits, not just, not just a select few.
So it’s not enough to just build a better world. We have to make sure everyone has. The, the keys to get in.
I think that’s a, a great way to put it.
As we, as we wrap up this deep dive, I’m left with this, this feeling of, of awe, but also a little bit of, of apprehension.
I, I get that
AI could change everything, but, but will it be for the better?
That’s the big question, isn’t it? And it’s one that, that we all need to be thinking about because the future, it’s not something that just happens to us.
We, we create it.
That’s a good point. Yeah. So as we, as we move forward into this AI powered world, we need to be thoughtful. We need to be deliberate.
Absolutely. And
we need to be committed to, to using this technology for good.
I completely agree. I.
Well, thank you for joining us on this incredible journey.
Mm-hmm. We hope this deep dive has, you know, sparked your curiosity
and given you some, some food for thought
exactly, and maybe even inspired you to be a part of shaping this, this amazing future. Keep exploring, keep questioning, and keep imagining the possibilities.